- Comparative Map Viewer (CMAP)
- EURIGEN portal
- Gramene
- OrygenesDB
- AgBiotechNet: Publishes current and past information about agricultural biotechnology and biosafety for researchers and policy makers world-wide.
- Agricultural ResearchService (ARS): The principal in-house research agency of USDA. Here, you'll find the National Program of Crop Production, Product Value and Safety Research. Try this searchable database, Nutrient Data Laboratory, for nutritional information on foods
- Asiafoods: Rice Products and Recipes
- Asia Rice Foundation, USA (ARFUSA): Organized in 1999 by a group of people with roots in Asia, supports work toward a world that can feed itself, treasures the rich heritage of its rice cultures and values its rice growing land as a precious commodity to be shared with future generations.
- California rice: California Rice Commission Web site, showcases the innovations that make rice California´s most economically vibrant and clean industry.
- Farmer Service Agency (FSA): Farm support and price support programs for rice and other crops
- Knowledge-based Oryza Molecular biological Encyclopedia
- International Rice Research Institute (IRRI): Rice recipes; Rice Facts
- IRRI Library: Compilation of Rice information resources by IRRI
- ISAAA: Not-for-profit organization that delivers the benefits of new agricultural biotechnologies to the poor in developing countries.
- International Year of Rice 2004 (IYR2004): Official website for the IYR2004 celebration
- NASS: National Agricultural Statistics Services (NASS).
Get reports concerning the U.S production of rice. Historical, Graphical Data, and Census are also available
- http://www.omap.org/resources.html
- Oryzabase
- RGRC Rice Genome Resource Center
- Riceco:: Rice products
- RiceExpressedDB
- Rice gourmet: Delectable rice recipes from countries all over the world
- Rice Kinases Database
- Rice Knowledge Bank at IRRI
- Rice info:: Rice information and recipes
- Rice Oligonucleotide Array Project
- Rice on line: Market Information, Rice Companies, Recipes
- Rice select: Rice information and recipes
- Rice straw: California Rice Commission website on the alternative uses of rice straw
- Rice Transcription Factor DB
- Riceweb: History of Rice, Recipes and more
- http://www.riceworld.org/
- TIGR Rice
- University of California Cooperative Extension Rice Project: Brought to you by the Agronomy Research and Information center at UC Davis. Contains research-based, up-to-date, comprehensive, and reliable information on California crops
- USA Rice Federation:: A national industry association representing producers, millers and allied businesses. Great information source for consumers and commercial users of whole grain rice
- USDA: U.S. Department of Agriculture
- USDA Economics and Statistics System: Mann Library at Cornell University where many USDA reports are on file. Search for Rice Yearbook or Rice Outlook and Situation Report
- U.S. Standards for Rice: Official U.S. Standards for Rice posted by GIPSA of USDA